Composition of story

Knowledge is a story, story has a composition, composition has the following 4 factors:

  1. gather and bundle point
  2. events related to the point
  3. order of the events
  4. causal relation between a series of the events

And these factors are divided into some big coherent units and construct a structure. A basic structure is "introduction-adequate development-conclusion". Although there are various types of structure in various stories, the following 4 patterns are typical:

  • Ruin type: rise, rise and fall, fall of main character's luck, and finally a bad end
  • Hero type: fall, fall and rise, rise, and finally a happy end
  • Comedy type: repeat of fall and rise, and finally a happy end
  • Tragedy type: repeat of rise and fall, and finally a bad end

Few stories has only one pattern. Almost all stories have a set of these pattern, and furthermore a complex story is nested a set of the 4 typical patterns.