Comet in Moominland

This work was rewritten twice. The original title was "Kometjakten(Comet search)" in 1946, the second was "Mumintrollet på kometjakt(Moomintroll's comet search)" in 1956 and the final version was "Kometen kommer(Comet came)" in 1968. The deferences between the original and the final are belows:

  1. the animal which Sniff managed to be attached was changed from monkey to cat
  2. the number of sections was reduced
  3. some omens of coming comet were deleted
  4. the date when moomins visited the astronomical observatory was changed from 2nd August from 3rd August

I wonder why Tove modify such alternations? Tove said it was very important that all of things were fitted. I should consider the whole stories of Moomin to solve this secret. At first, I looked up the year when the stories were published and republished:

1945 Smatrollen och den stora oversvamningen (small troll and big flood) published
1946 Kometjakten (Comet search: "Comet in Moominland") published
1948 Trollkarlens hatt(Wiard's hat: "Finn family in Moomintroll") published
1950 Muminpappans bravader (Moominpapa's exploit: Moominpapa's memoir" published
1954 Farlig midsommar (Dangerous midsummer: "Moominsummer madness" published
1956 Mumintrollet på kometjakt (Moomintroll's comet search: revised from "Kometjakten") published
1957 Trollvinter (Trollwinter: "Moominland midwinter") published
1962 Det osynliga barnet och andra beråtterlser (Invisible child and other stories: "Tales from moominvalley") published
1965 Pappan och havet (Papa and sea: "Moominpapa at sea" published
1968 Kometen kommer (Comet came: "Comet in Moominland") published
1968 Muminpappans memoarer ("Moominpapa's memoir" published
1970 Sent i november (late November: "Moominvalley in november") published